We asked if Midwest bagels could compete with the East Coast. People had opinions.
Jenny Porter Tilley
Indianapolis Star
This week, our food and drinks reporter, Bradley Hohulin, visited the new Side Door Bagels and led the newsroom in a taste test. We knew it would be controversial.
As is often the case when the topic of bagels arises, feelings about East Coast delicacies began bubbling up. The verdict: A New York bagel is a New York bagel. But that doesn't mean they're so bad in the Midwest.
Here's a look at what readers had to say about the ongoing point of contention for breakfast-goers.
Bagel snobs speak up
Indianapolis bagels:At Sidedoor Bagel, local flavor is boiled and baked into every dozen.
Where to get good bagels in Indiana
Contact digital producer Jenny Porter Tilley at jtilley@gannett.com or follow her on X @jennylynne.